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Park Rules

Hours: Sunrise to Sunset

For Emergencies Call: 911

For Non-Emergencies Call:  651-458-2850

To Reach WAG Farms Dog Park Association Call: 651-368-8596


1. Dogs must be under direct control of their owner/handler at all times and responsive to voice commands. A leash must be available at all times.

2. Aggressive dogs are not allowed and any dogs exhibiting aggression, such as fighting, biting, and excessive barking, must be removed by owner immediately.

3. Dog leash laws apply up to dog park fenced boundaries. Dog MUST be leashed prior to entering, and upon exiting the off-leash areas.

4. Dog leash to be removed inside double gate; dogs shall not wear leashes inside the dog park for their own safety.

5. Owners are liable for damage or injury inflicted by their dogs, in accordance with MN statutes numbers 347.01 and 347.22, by law.

6. Children 8 years and under are PROHIBITED in the off-leash areas; children 9-15 years must be accompanied by an adult and supervised at all times.

7. Maximum two dogs per owner/handler per visit.

8. No food or treats, for humans or dogs, are allowed in the park.

9. Tennis balls, frisbees and dog toys of all kind are PROHIBITED in the park.

10. Smoking of any kind, and use of all tobacco products, is PROHIBITED in all areas including the parking lot.

11. Owner/handler must pick up and immediately dispose of dog waste.

12. Dogs in heat and puppies under four months are PROHIBITED anywhere in the dog park.

13. Dogs must be properly licensed and vaccinated.

14. Dogs declared dangerous under state, county, and city laws are PROHIBITED in the dog park.

New to dog parks? Click here to read common etiquette guidelines.

Click here to learn proper procedures for handling any conflict that occurs at the park.

Want to report an incident? Click here to download incident report form. 

© 2024. WAG Farms Dog Park Association.

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